Maria of Jülich-Berg

Female 1491 - 1553  (62 years)

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   Date  Event(s)
  • 1462—1505: POLITICAL: Ivan the Great .Rules Russia until 1505 as first czar; ends payment of tribute to Mongols.
  • 1492—1492: HISTORY: Leonardo da Vinci first to seriously theorize about flying machines.
  • 1492—1492: HISTORY: Columbus becomes first European to encounter Caribbean islands.Returns to Spain (1493). [more]
  • 1493—1496: HISTORY: Columbus Second Voyage.Dominica, Jamaica, Puerto Rico (1493-1496).
  • 1494—1494: HISTORY: .Whiskey invented in Scotland.
  • 1498—1498: HISTORY: Columbus Third Voyage.Third voyage to Orinoco (1498).
  • 1500—1500: : First flush toilets appeared..
  • 1500—1500: NATIVE AMERICAN: Comanches become their own nation.Comanches seperate from Eastern Shoshone near Wind River to form their own nation.
  • 1501—1501: HISTORY: First black slaves in America .Brought to Spanish colony of Santo Domingo.
  • 1502—1504: HISTORY: Columbus Fourth Voyage.Fourth voyage to Honduras and Panama (1502-1504).
  • 1504—1504: : Moors conquered in Spain .Moors conquered in Spain by troops of Ferdinand and Isabella.
10 1508 
  • 1508—1508: ROYAL: .Henry VII Gaunt. Ruler of England. House of Tudor - Son of Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond, whose father had married the widow of Henry V; descended from Edward III through his mother, Mary Beaufort, via John of Gaunt. By marriage with daughter of Edward IV he united Lancaster and York.
11 1509 
  • 1509—1509: : Henry VIII ascends English throne..
  • 1509—1509: LITERATURE: Michelangelo paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
12 1510 
  • 1510—1510: HISTORY: Leonardo da Vinci designs a horizontal water wheel..
13 1513 
  • 1513—1513: HISTORY: .Urs Graf invents etching.
14 1520 
  • 1520—1520: HISTORY: Henry VIII of England and King Francis of France Summit.Henry VIII of England and King Francis of France, each with army behind him, meet, dismount and embrace in one of the world's earlier summit meetings. (June 7.) There will be celebrations and sermons on the virtues of peace.
15 1522 
  • 1522—1522: RELIGION: Luther excommunicated by Pope Leo X.Suleiman I (ithe Magnificenti) becomes Sultan of Turkey, invades Hungary (1521), Rhodes (1522), attacks Austria (1529), annexes Hungary (1541), Tripoli (1551), makes peace with Persia (1553), destroys Spanish fleet (1560), dies (1566). Magellan reaches the Pacific, is killed by Philippine natives (1521). One of his ships under Juan Sebasti.n del Cano continues around the world, reaches Spain (1522).
16 1535 
  • 1535—1535: ROYAL: Reformation begins as Henry VIII makes himself head of English Church.Excommunicated by Pope. Sir Thomas More executed as traitor for refusal to acknowledge king's religious authority. Jacques Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence River, basis of French claims to Canada.
17 1540 
  • 1540—1540: HISTORY: Coronado Expedition into the Southern Plains..
  • 1540—1540: NATIVE AMERICAN: Comanches known to be using dogs for transport.
18 1547 
  • 1547—1547: ROYAL: Ivan IV (ithe Terrible) crowned as czar of Russia.Begins conquest of Astrakhan and Kazan (1552), battles nobles (boyars) for power (1564), kills his son (1580), dies, and is succeeded by his weak and feeble-minded son, Fyodor I.
  • 1547—1547: ROYAL: .Henry VIII. Ruler of England. House of Tudor - Only surviving son of Henry VII by Elizabeth, daughter of Edward IV.
19 1551 
  • 1551—1551: HISTORY: In France, the works of Martin Luther, John Calvin and others considered heretics are prohibited. .In the cites of Paris, Toulouse, Grenoble, Rouen, Bordeaux, and Agners, various heretics and those selling forbidden books have been burned at the stake. And another massacre of Protestant occurs. More than 3,000 Protestants are to be reported as having been killed, 763 houses, 89 stables and 31 warehouses destroyed
20 1553 
  • 1553—1553: ROYAL: .Edward VI. Ruler of England. House of Tudor - Son of Henry VIII, by Jane Seymour, his 3rd queen. Ruled under regents.
  • 10 Jul 1553—1553: ROYAL: Edward VI was forced to name Lady Jane Grey his successor.Council of State proclaimed her queen. Mary Tudor won Council, was proclaimed queen July 19, 1553. Mary had Lady Jane Grey beheaded for treason, Feb 1554.