Matthijs van Osenbrugge

Male 1605 - Yes, date unknown

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  • Name Matthijs van Osenbrugge 
    Birth ~1605 
    Gender Male 
    Death Yes, date unknown 
    Person ID I1236  Database
    Last Modified 13 Oct 2023 

    Spouse / Partner Mechtelt ter Burch   d. Yes, date unknown 
       1. Male Wolther (Wouter) van Osenbruggen,   b. 4 Sep 1631, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Bef 1679 (Age 47 years)
       2. Female Anne Marie van Osenbrugh,   b. 1636, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
       3. Male Berentgen van Osenbrugh,   b. 1637, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1645 ?
       4. Male Marten van Osenbrugge,   b. 1639   d. Yes, date unknown
       5. Female Willemken van Osenbrugge,   b. 2 Sep 1641   d. Yes, date unknown
       6. Male Willem van Osenbrugh,   b. 1643, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
       7. Female Maria van Osenbrugh,   b. 1646, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
       8. Female Anneken van Osenbrugh,   b. 1647, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Bef 1648, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)
       9. Male Berentgen van Osenbrugh,   b. 1651, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 1651, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 0 years)
     10. Male Berentgen van Osenbrugh,   b. 1652, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands Find all individuals with events at this locationd. Yes, date unknown
    Family ID F537  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 26 Dec 2015 

  • Photos
    Seal of Captain Matthijs van Osenbrugge
    Seal of Captain Matthijs van Osenbrugge
    He signed his letters to Prince Willem Frederik of Orange (stadhouder Friesland, Groningen and Drenthe) with a seal showing a tree on the shield and a rose as crest.
    Coat of arms of Captain Matthijs van Osenbrugge
    Coat of arms of Captain Matthijs van Osenbrugge
    It is not clear if the coat of arm's seal is his family crest or that of his military regiment.

  • Notes 
    • Also named: van Osenbrugh.

      Is he related to Ernst van Osenbrugge?
      They both were in Arnhem and officers. They both name a son: Marten.

      He is the patriarch of (a.o.) the van Oostenbruggen Goeree-Overflakkee descendants.

      He was a captain in Willem of Orange Nassau's army. He was stationed in Arnhem. In 1672 it was probably Matthijs, who gained notoriety in the bloody battle at Lobith (S.E. of Arnhem, across the river Rhine from Emmerich) against the army of Louis XIV. Read three detailed articles on this battle where captain (or ritmeester) Ossenbroek (also named Osenbrugge) is mentioned as a hero:

      The battle at Lobith took place on 12 June 1672. Kapitein Ossenbroek (also named Osenbrugge) shot the French prince of Condé, but did not kill him. The Dutch lost this battle, but Condé was so badly hurt that his army was held up for 2 weeks and his plan to quickly move to capture Amsterdam was therefore squashed.

      In a book by L. Lammers of 1872, titled: "Arnhem in 1672" it reads that 11 days later:
      Op 23 Junij 1672 kwamen twee (Nederlandse) compagniën kavallerie, onder de ritmeesters Osenbrugge en Balentijn, de stad (Arnhem) binnen.
      N.B. a "ritmeester" is a captain in the cavalry.

      OSSENBROEK. Deze Hollandsche ritmeester wondde Condé bij den door- en overtogt van den Rijn (1672) met een pistoolschot aan zijne hand. Deze wond was de eenige, die hij in al zijne veldtogten heeft bekomen, en van veel gewigt, wijl zij hem een tijd lang buiten gevecht stelde, en den aanslag op Amsterdam verhinderde.
      Zie Voltaire, siècle de Louis XIV; Bosscha, Neêrl. heldend. te land bl. 60, 61. Eeckhoff, Geschied. v. Friesl. bl. 266, 470; Nyhoff, Bijdr. D. I bl. 93.

      A children's book named "De vaandrig van den prins" van Hugo Kingmans (ca. 1930) mentions a Luitenant Ossenbroek in the Lobith battle in 1672 and his brother, who was at that time in Dieren, with the troops of the Prince of Orange (Dieren is just slightly North of Doesburg).

      In 1674 he is still a captain for the Orange-Nassau army.

      Matthijs is the patriarch of a.o. all the van Oostenbruggens descending from Dirksland. His descendants married well to do patricians; e.g. his great-grandson Matthijs' maternal grandmother was Neeltje of the very well to do Westrhenen family

      Read more about that on the following page:

      Children's names:
      Matthijs named his first son Wolther (Wouter), after his wife's grandfather.
      The next son is named Berentgen, the next one Marten (after his brother-in-law), then Willem (after his father-in-law). Because the first son Berentgen had died, he again named his next son Berentgen and again a year later.
      Who is this Berend, who the children were named after? Was his own father's name Berend ? Was it this Barendt?

      More from the Gelders Archief archives below.

      Stadhouderlijk archief: De archieven in het Koninklijk Huisarchief: Willem Frederik van Nassau
      III. Stukken betreffende het openbare leven
      D. Militaire aangelegenheden
      2. Briefwisseling met militairen of betreffende militaire aangelegenheden
      a. Republiek
      584 Brieven, ingekomen van kapitein-luitenant Matthijs van Osenbrugge betreffende militaire aangelegenheden, 1652-1663, met bijlagen, 1655, 1656, 1659-1661, 1663, minuutbrieven van Willem Frederik, 1653-1656, 1659, 1661-1663

      352 Anneken Hartmans, weduwe van Jan Wessels, voor haar zelf en als moeder en momberse van haar 5 onmundige kinderen heeft opgedragen en vertegen Mathijs van Osenbrugge, kapit.n luit. van de compagnie ruiters van zijn graaf Wilhelm van Nassau, en Mechtelt Verburch, zijn huisvrouw, een rente van 60 gl. jaarlijsk uit haar huis en hofstede, staande en gelegen op de hoek van de Rijnstraat tegenover de Rijnpoort, de weduwe Arndt Tulleken ter ener- en Mor Cock ter andere zijde, te verschijnen heden over een jaar eerstaan et sic deinceps en te lossen met1000 gl. kapitaal [enz.];
      Datering: 11-04-1651

      Archieven van de Friese stadhouders
      Inventarissen van de archieven van de Friese stadhouders van Willem Lodewijk tot en met Willem V, 1584-1795.
      Brief, ingekomen van Estevan de Gamarra y Contreras, ordinaris ambassadeur van Spanje in de Republiek, betreffende klachten dat soldaten in garnisoen Arnhem katholieken beledigen, 1661; minuutbrief aan luiteenant Tijs van Osenbrugge. 1661. 1 stuk
      N.B. De minuut staat op de achterzijde van de brief, maar heeft niets met de brief te maken.