Danforth, Illinois, United States
Latitude: 40.8202777777778, Longitude: -87.9777777777778
Matches 1 to 3 of 3
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Birth | Person ID | ||
1 | Frerichs, Dorothy E | 22 Mar 1921 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9334 |
2 | Frerichs, Edward | 1891 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9333 |
3 | Kremer, Clara | 1896 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9332 |
Matches 1 to 8 of 8
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Death | Person ID | ||
1 | Booi, Edith Margaret Marie | 7 Sep 1944 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9330 |
2 | Booi, Eize Charles | 17 Jul 1907 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9329 |
3 | Doode, Johanna Louise | 7 Mar 1940 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9372 |
4 | Frerichs, Doede | 3 Jan 1920 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9371 |
5 | Frerichs, Edward | 1976 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9333 |
6 | Kremer, Clara | 1976 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9332 |
7 | Kremer, Jan | 9 Aug 1945 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9331 |
8 | Kuipers, Edith Margaret Marie | 20 Aug 1886 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9327 |
Matches 1 to 1 of 1
Last Name, Given Name(s) | Burial | Person ID | ||
1 | Berg, Glen Chester | Danforth, Illinois, United States | I9335 |
Matches 1 to 5 of 5
Family | Marriage | Family ID | ||
1 | Berg / Frerichs | 19 Jul 1941 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | F3884 |
2 | Booi / Wognum | 7 Mar 1883 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | F3895 |
3 | Frerichs / Doode | 23 Oct 1882 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | F3902 |
4 | Frerichs / Kremer | 21 Jan 1920 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | F3883 |
5 | Kremer / Booi | 1892 | Danforth, Illinois, United States | F3882 |